09 01 92 Expressionist This palette button does nothing. Opens a popup palette with even more buttons on it. Sets the color of the selected expression. Lower: Lowers the selected subscript or child if it is raised. Only effective inside Tensor subscripts or Tree Node children. Raise: Raises the selected subscript or child if it is lowered. Only effective inside Tensor subscripts or Tree Node children. Unmark: Removes the surrounding composite and leave selected subexpression. New Field: Adds a new field to a matrix, a new subscript to a tensor or a new child to a tree node. New Line: Adds a new line of elements to a matrix. To break up a string into two lines, use this in the middle. Does what the Backspace key does: it deletes anything that is selected, or, if nothing is selected, deletes the last thing typed. Removes all tweaking for the selected expression and all expressions inside it. Removes all tweaking for the selected expression but not any expressions inside it. Allows you to tweak (move) selected expressions slightly for fine-tuning in the depicted direction. Allows you to change the font of the selected expressions. Moves the current selection down. Moves the current selection up. Moves the current selection to the right. Moves the current selection to the left. Escape: Moves the current selection to the end of the composite that the selection is in. Select Next: Moves the current selection to the next sibling of the enclosing composite.